Los Angeles
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'Hello Baby, Terroir' by Cherisse Gray at Murmurs, Los Angeles
'Group Show' by Joshua Abelow at Real Pain Fine Arts, Los Angeles
'marrow' by Catalina Ouyang at Make Room, Los Angeles
'Rembrandt Charms' by Mathis Altmann at From the Desk of Lucy Bull, Los Angel
'Two Minutes To Midnight' by Don Edler at Hunter Shaw Fine Art, Los Angeles
Sonja Gerdes at Gas, Los Angeles
'Blossoming Carcass' by ASMA at Make Room, Los Angeles
'Without, A View' by Sara Constantino and Yelena Zhelezov at Actual Size, Los
'Scattered Axis (Conditioned Response)' by Camille Clair at Gallery1993, Los
'5,000 A.D.' by Spencer Longo at Garden, Los Angeles
'Is a Weapon and We' by Stalgia Grigg at Human Resources, Los Angeles
'Rebellion' by Nina Wiesnagrotzki and Maximilian Schmoetzer at From the Desk
of L
'The Institute for Chaotic Love & Healing', a Group Show at Hunter Shaw Fine
'Steel Ladder' by Cameron Crone and Rashid Uri at Central Park, Los Angeles
'Observatory parking (2016)', a Group Show at COW, Los Angeles
'Snooze' by Sharif Farrag at in lieu, Los Angeles
'Circlusion' by Genevieve Belleveau at Garden, Los Angeles
'Once solid and mutable', a Group Show at Driveway 327, Los Angeles
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