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'The Infamous Crush' by Sven Loven at Magenta Plains, New York
'MISERERE Paraphrase' by Ivana Bašić and Bradford Kessler at Holiday Forever
'L. A. should die vor Glück' at Just Married, Los Angeles
'Holdout' by Thomas Macker at Nicolaysen Art Museum
'Useless Twin' by Laura Schawelka at Garden, Los-Angeles
Wickerham & Lomax at American Medium, New York
'Objectvoid' by Thomas Macker and Andy Kincaid at MINT, Columbus
'Act II: Carcass and the White Light' by Alex Ito at Springsteen, Baltimore
Andy Meerow at Bodega, New York
'Human Resources' at Sadie Halie Projects, Minneapolis
Olivia Erlanger at Mathew, New York
Camille Blatrix at The Wattis Institute, San Francisco
Ann Hirsch and Parker Ito at Holiday Forever
'Act I: The Crucible's Nest' by Alex Ito at AALA Gallery, Los Angeles
Sam Ekwurtzel at Simone Subal Gallery, New York
Body by Body at Princess, New York
Bryan Dooley at Shoot The Lobster, New York
'Blackmail' at Svetlana gallery, New York