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'VERDANT' by Mirko Canesi at Deborah Bowmann, Brussels

'Wibber glurp zark!' by Angélique Aubrit, Ludovic Beillard at Komplot @ Chateau N

'Beati Babies' by Alexander Iezzi at Kantine, Brussels

'forgets in knots' by Lauren Gault at Kantine, Brussels

'Altered Beast' by Pierre Clement at COHERENT, Brussels

'Le Trogloxène', a Group Show at Deborah Bowmann Brussels

'Le Songe', a Group Show at Espace Moss, Brussels

'With Bruised Knees They Stumbled Clumsily Over Roots Of Broken Silence', a Grou

'Esprit Ecstasy' by Benjamin Bernt & Jill Kiddon at HouseFront, Brussels

'Bonding in Whispers', a Group Show at c-o-m-p-o-s-i-t-e, Brussels

'When Hurricanes Are Coming People Tend To Drink More Beer' by Marian Luft & Ronn

'PALMSTRÖM' by Jorge Diezma at Deborah Bowmann, Brussels

'Ghost Town', a Group Show at COHERENT, Brussels

'Life sucks' by Angélique Aubrit and Coraline Guilbeau at Zsenne art lab, Brusse

Concertissimo Annullato @ Thalys, Brussels - Paris / Paris - Brussels

'This future is unthinkable. Yet here we are, thinking it.', a Group Show at Dami

'It won't lick itself' by Naoki Karathanassis at COHERENT, Brussels

'Western Union' by Joseph Kusendila at Komplot, Brussels

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