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'Serge' by Peggy Pehl at La Tôlerie, Clermont-Ferrand

'Industry City' by Dena Yago at High Art, Paris

'Paris au printemps' by Anders Dickson at TNT, Paris

'Œuvres Collectives & Insectes Sélectionnés' by New Scenario at after hours, Pari

'Thundercage 31' by Matthias Odin and Valentin Begarin at Thunder Cage, Aubervill

'The Hierarchy of Lows' by Laura Gozlan at Les Bains-Douches, Alençon

'Dreaming Organs', Group Show Curated by Ernst Yohji Jaeger at Crèvecœur, Paris

'Yours Truly' by Kentaro Kawabata at High Art, Paris

Ygrèves: Episode 1 & 2, Paris

'Lunatique' by Ernst Yohji Jaeger at Crèvecœur, Paris

'Crowd Control', Group Project by Arcadia Missa x High Art, Arles

'Nature Angst' by Valerie Keane at High Art, Paris

'BELIEVING IN SUCCESS' by Bastien Cosson at Palette Terre, Saint-Martin-de-Seigna

'Pas le temps de tout détruire sans doute', Group Show at Sans titre (2016), Pari

'Firmament' by Jean-Baptiste Janisset at Alain Gutharc Gallery, Paris

'The Hand, the Head & the Heart' by Eliott Paquet at Confort Mental, Paris

'Fluffers' by Kevin Desbouis at In extenso, Clermont-Ferrand

'Rapide et Furieux', Group Show Curated by Léo Fourdrinier at Le Port Des Créateu

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