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'a listless witness' by Ian Swanson at ASHES/ASHES, New York

'Names from the Box' by Ian Markell at Kimberly Klark, New York

'Redwall, But For Your Dead Pets Only' by Genevieve Goffman at Catbox Contemporar

'The Commune' by Michael Jones McKean at Super Dutchess Gallery, New York

'Kissed by profane grace', a Group Show at darkZone, New Jersey

'Snooze' by Sharif Farrag at in lieu, Los Angeles

'Pot of Snot' by Kira Scerbin at Prairie, Chicago

'Figments From The Echo House' by Will Alexander at Gern en Regalia, New York

'While You Talk To Yourself' by Tom Koehler at King’s Leap, New York

'murmur' by Daniel G. Baird at Patron, Chicago

'Touch Me With Your Tongue' by Sylvie Hayes-Wallance & Laura McAdams at New Works

'​Think of Me', a Group Show at Adams and Ollman, Portland

'Duæl' by Zach Meisner at Mickey, Chicago

'who do i trust i trust ME and my donut-shaped brain' by Deirdre Sargent at Catbo

'Floating' by Brigid Moore at LAND, Kansas City

Adriane Connerton & Stefan Hoza at Step Sister, New York

'Anagen' by Mira Dayal at Lubov, New York

'They Who Walk Behind the Rows', a Group Show' at False Flag, New York

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