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'No Entry' by Can Küçük, Cem Örgen at imalat-hane, Bursa

'Nightcrawlers' by Pinar Marul at Eldem Sanat Alanı|Fırın, Eskisehir

'LAST MINUTES', Group Show at THE POOL, Istanbul

'The Days Are Just Packed', Off-site Group Show at THE POOL, Heybeliada - Istanbu

'Human, how strange, so vulgar, such a masterpiece and yet so primitive' by Berka

'(applause)' by Bora Akinciturk at Pilevneli Gallery, Istanbul

'Vice Versa', a Group Show Curated by Pelin Gökçek at Grand Pera, Istanbul

'I’m So Happy Because' by Bora Akinciturk at Pilevneli Gallery, Istanbul

‘Kiss Me Goodbye’ by Pierre Pagy, Izmir

'Anagram' by Leyla Gediz at OJ, Istanbul

‘Unknown' by Pinar Marul at OJ, Istanbul

'Oil Soaked Flannel' by Paul Barsch at OJ, Istanbul

‘Your Account Has Been Suspended’ by Pierre Clement at OJ, Istanbul

'EMZIRMEK (Almost nothing that really matters)' by Maurizio Vicerè at OJ, Istanbu

'Paradise On Mars', a Group Show at OJ, Istanbul

'Sibel's Beauty Parlor' by Nazım Ünal Yılmaz at Sanatorium, Istanbul

'It won’t only kill you, it will hurt the whole time you’re dying' by Monia Ben H

'Home Sick, Sick Home' by Okan Yildirim at OJ, Istanbul

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