État de nécessité («State of necessity») is a juridicial notion that consists in authorizing an illegal action in order to prevent the achievement of a greater damage. (1)
« We are right to revolt », as Sartre once said.
« Chomsky tried to show that we can study language as an instrument and a tool, trying to describe it’s structure without explicitly referencing the way that tool is used by focusing on the grammar. A sentence doesn’t necessarily need a meaning for itto be grammatically correct : everyone can make the differencebetween «Colourless green ideas sleep furiously» and «*Furiously sleep ideas green colorless.».» (2) (3)
Where will we throw away the ashes of the old world ? all the same, strange formula.
Wouldn’t that be selling the bear’s skin, before even having caught the bear?
1. Crim. 9 novembre 2004 : Bull. crim. 1994 n° 273 p. 1022 2. La Vie énigmatique des signes : Saussure et la naissance du structuralisme, Patrice Maniglier, 2006, Non & Non, Editions Léo Scheer 3. Nuit debout : une expérience de pensée, Patrice Maniglier, 2016, Les Temps Modernes, vol. 691, no. 5, pp. 199-259.