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'Inner Gardening', Off-site Group Show at CAMP, Prague

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It’s been a pretty long time since I saw him. Yeah... There is a big spider living in this garden.

Big, a really big one. He or she lives under the ground, deep underneath the garden flowers.

Hey customer, I love flowers. They are just beautiful.

The fact is that the garden simply cannot expand anywhere, so at some point I started to think about the composition. You know one flower likes to be next to sculptures and others just don’t. It took me a lot of time to learn all of that, but you also know that I like to overthink things a lot.

The sun was at the horizon.

The new day just started.

Warm ground made the spider feel better.

The silence of the garden hit her so hard, that she completely forgot to sing for a moment.

Small birds filled the space with their own voices and the customer looked up to see the sun

for the first time.

It’s funny how some things are the same, no matter if its here or there, us or them.

It’s been a pretty long time since last rained.

New type of garden. No water.

If all of the flowers dry up, only sculptures will be left. Would it then still be a garden or just rural gallery space?

“Inner Gardening” is a group show curated by Eulalie Polne & Jiří Procházka, focused on the

phenomenon of gardening as a general principle of working, thinking and caridge about different types of spaces. Exhibited artists are related to the general theme of the exhibition or their work is transformed into garden space and mythology created by individual pieces and the relationships between them. The exhibition is assembled with seven authors in dialogue with Helena Trubáčková-Zenklová, the author of ceramic pieces installed decades before.


Jiří Thýn, Eulalie Polne, Johana Novotná, Jiří Procházka, Antonín Jirát, Markéta Marešová, Jonáš Verešpej

Сurated by Eulalie Polne & Jiří Procházka


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