As I am formed, I form another, and another, and another. As my heart is moulded, I, in small part, mould others, for good or for ill. I long that it be good, that all may be good, that the fragrance of being be grace returned.
Form me presents new works by James Murnane, in which he continues in his aspiration to image the unseen, and to affirm the tenuous links between the corporeal and the spiritual.
In the formation of a person, innumerable ties and influences impact and effect them. Though expressed in non-representative formats, Murnane’s practice aims to be oriented towards personhood. These works are intended to be as evocations of the subtle, yet significant, moulding that can take place, most especially interiorly. Murnane employs rope and twine to intuitively render forms that necessarily depend upon each other, support each other, influence each other. These twine formations, in turn, act as fragile supports that gently hold painted works, abstract icons, that are as visionings of the interior life.