What if there is, in fact, an infinite number of parallel realities? Sending the Pioneer plaque or the Arecibo message into space, we focused on our place in the Solar System, ones and zeroes, human head counts, body measurements, and so forth. These graphs and radio signals told about Earth in a way that was incomprehensible for most of its inhabitants. To put it plainly, we were showing off: we are so woke and informed about our place in the universe, aren’t we?
But maybe aliens think differently? Maybe they’re not that into math and logic? Just maybe, not every living entity gets super excited about the molecular structure of our DNA or some technical drawings of the Arecibo radio telescope? If so, then maybe upon arrival they’d be after completely different things than those dreamt of by serious scientists? The perfect gift would be a dusty chestnut, or an old photo found in a thrift store, or an unwanted Christmas decoration lying in grandma’s lumber-room… Let’s assume that the Alien has landed, it’s looking for things to understand our ways of living, or completing his interstellar collection. Museum of Humanity 1.0: only the most precious and important gems.
Wubba lubba dub dub. I am in deep pain, help me.