Water and Everything Resistant is a public, social, site-specific work, a large part of the concept of which is the building, where it is exhibited. Construction of the building, initially designed during soviet union for a kindergarten, was only half-completed and currently its roofed part serves as shelter for two families. The structure of the building consists of fifteen open and eight closed hexagons, which are interconnected like cells. Such configuration allows for the exposition to be separated into topics, without breaking the connection between them. The main media of the project entitled Water and Everything Resistant are sculptures, created from objects extracted from everyday life and other environments. After completion of the exhibition, the sculptures was going to remain in the same space. Inhabitants of the building were able to use them for their original purposes.
The work's created as part of Tbilisi Architecture Biennial / თბილისის არქიტექტურის ბიენალე with support of Propaganda.network