Transito2Plus1 is offering a constellation of pieces exploring the possibility of a transitional space. Such is a space where binaries of true/false, now/then, time/space, mind/body, active/passive, self/other break down. Power runs through this order of twos, establishing systems of binary hierarchies. We can understand becomings historically and socially, as well as intimately, in the blur of bodies merging. The nexus of relationships under investigation here loops between the micro and macro, radical intimacy and political urgency.
In Narrative Mosaic you can find metal objects interacting in a map of chained connections. Some are picked up, some are picked out, some are new, some are old. Thin metal chains link them, making meanings in patterns. Objects speaking in many layers, across age, through interactive links and untraceable trajectories. What else appears when things appear together?
(But) Appearing itself can be troubled. The gaze is trouble. The aliveness of the looking-subject feeds of the dead- ness of the seen-object. Luna made materia of the gaze, making instead of the gazed, the gaze itself an object, or a space of transit. The place created here positions itself somewhere between the two, not where “I” find “you” – or
“it” – but where we contaminate each other. This metal gaze shoots from eye to eye, catches the sky and dives back into the gallery space. In this loop inner and outer worlds are mirrored, or forged together. Both/and*, maybe. All of Luna‘s body fits within the space marked out by the steel gaze. An invitation not to seek the truth of an object, but to displace the very possibility of gaze to offer truth.
we can meet within it. the limits of ourselves brushing up against each other
put your eyes in your palms & the eye is not so eye anymore (the I is not so I anymore)
Transito2Plus1 is gesturing towards a space of paradoxes, of contamination, of boths/ands. An opening up for a telling of a world of many truths and times. To say that something is a fantasy is not to say that it is false. It might be to ask: what part does fiction play in reality making? What is your fantasy?
*Credits to Muriel Dimen (2003), for framing the thoughts accompanying us.
Text by Fanny Wendt Höjer