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MN_01, a Group Show at Media Naranja, Marseille

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What does it* do when you don’t think about it*? 
Is it* free? 
Does it* have a social insurance? 
Is it* alone? 
Long hair dark eyes? 
Can it* speak or write? 
Do you take care of it*? 
Is it* a humanlike character? 
Does it* need light? 
Would you stop it*? 
Does it* have a price? 
Is it washable? 
Is it* with you on dinner parties? 
Could it* look like a plant? 
How does it* taste? 
Is it* perfection? 
Does it* fight? 
Does it* have a room with a bed? 
Is it* soft? 
Can it* understand me? 
Does it* know boredom? 
Does it* love? 
Is it* fast? 
Does it* have a top 5 interests? 
Is it* yours? 
Are you listening to it*? 
Could it* be stolen? 
Is it* a feeling? 
What are you sharing with it*? 
Is it* a story? 
Does it* play? 
Are you jealous about it*? 
Could it* be in Marseille and Tokyo at the same time? 
Do you always recognize it*? 
Could I be it*? 
Does it* have requirements? 
Does it* show up only a er 8pm? 
Does it* show up when it’s muddy?

*it or they

9.3.18 — 7.4.18

Deborah Bowmann, Lou-Maria Le Brusq

Océane Bruel, Olga Bientz & Mona Chancogne, Eva Candelier, Alexia Foubert, Anna Holveck, Marthe Jung, Liz Laplassotte, Juliette Lizotte, Liza Maignan, Roxanne Maillet, Lucie Malbéqui, Lou Masduraud, Anouchka Oler, Lucie Pannetrat, Paola Quilici and Sara De la Villejegu), Matthias Garcia, Dorota Gaweda & Egle Kulbokaite, Shlagga, Amalia Ulman and Victor Yudaev

Media Naranja

'ABSINTHE', Group Show Curated by PLAGUE at Smena, Kazan

'Pupila' by Elizabeth Burmann Littin at Two seven two gallery, Toronto

'Auxiliary Lights' by Kai Philip Trausenegger at Bildraum 07, Vienna

'Inferno' by Matthew Tully Dugan at Lomex, New York

'Зamok', Off-Site Group Project at dentistry Dr. Blumkin, Moscow

'Dog, No Leash', Group Show at Spazio Orr, Brescia

'Syllables in Heart' by Thomas Bremerstent at Salgshallen, Oslo

'Out-of-place artifact', Off-Site Project by Artem Briukhov in Birsk Fortress, Bi

'Gardening' by Daniel Drabek at Toni Areal, Zurich

'HALF TRUTHS', Group Show at Hackney Road, E2 8ET, London

'Unknown Unknowns' by Christian Roncea at West End, The Hague

'Thinking About Things That Are Thinking' by Nicolás Lamas at Meessen De Clercq,

‘Funny / Sad’, Group Show by Ian Bruner, Don Elektro & Halo, curated by Rhizome P

'Don’t Die', Group Show at No Gallery, New York

'Almost Begin' by Bronson Smillie at Afternoon Projects, Vancouver

'I'll Carry Your Heart's Gray Wing with a Trembling Hand to My Old Age', Group Sh

'hapy like a fly' by Clément Courgeon at Colette Mariana, Barcelona

'Fear of the Dark' by Jack Evans at Soup, London

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