Newture is a combiation of “new” and “nature” (also “future”), a merger of Nature in the active sense: natura naturans and Nature already created: natura naturata. The separation of both is possible only according to an existence and an activity of wise man: homo sapiens, who always creates in the context of existing reality.
What we call a simulation, an expanded reality or an evolution, makes the introduction for nowness issue. The reality in a modernity is unclear, hard to understand and describe. With that reason the modern anthropology tries to rediscover “near”, “here” and “now”. The future gives us the full spectre of imagination: from the catastrophic vision straightly from the Black Mirror tv series, to the hope of eternal life of the consciousness and the final release from the materiality.
The powerful influence on our planet shape and life has an economy. A lot of scientists put the sign of an equality between ecology and economy. The market is a form of life entangling the globe. The modernity, supermodernity is the time of overproduction, the ubiquitous excess in every aspect of the human existence. The excess in economy can be accumulated or redistributed. As far as the accumulation leads to the crisis, the redistribution gives a hope for potential utilisation. Alike the landscape, the living world, the sphere of emotions cannot resist the power of capital. Even the reality can be distributed, redistributed.
We observe the simulations in the landscape, which today has a digital reflection of itself in world wide web - the Internet. The expanded reality, landscape available by now, the Borges’s map becoming real - hyperreality.
We try to understand the evolution of living matter and the nature of universe’s mind: the logos. The intelligence, the consciousness cannot be imprisoned in the human body any longer. New, improved physically is needed - the technology, which allows to occur the another dimension of the incomprehensible existence in the universe.
We ask about the meaning of the feelings in the rationalised supermodernity. The love, mental state, the feeling - are commonly opposed to the logic and the sense. The imitation of real experiences is in the favour of usability of processes closely connected with the human race existence and his original nature.