Autonomous vertical steaming In a room occupied by materialized sketchbook inhabitants Hangs a threesome bound to upper layer Soft groundwater safely canalized within the sanitary system Customized with free jazz engagement Who did really whisper to ape’s ear to make tools?
"Participation is not something that happens to the work, not as something an outside does in response to an already crafted inside, but as that which is stimulated by the work’s own dance of attention. The dance has to do with working with objects, and that means working with tools. When the work works, it stands up, it creates its own time-lap, its own sensation. When it happens, work becomes what it does.
The participation must begin where it is no longer question of subject and object, of artist and participant, but a question of how the work calls forth its own potential evolution. Sympathy is the benevolent act that follows the event Sympathy is the vector of intuition"
Let’s say
„Bless this mess, dedicated to real humans“