Sauf si il pleut
It is already noon and they are still in their beds. The flowery sheets of the lavender room are astonished by this street furniture, blue, naughty. The atmosphere is tense and tender at the same time. The women of Tatiana Defraine are fatal, caricatures models on glossy paper, stone skin and giant fingers. These girls are so many scenes of an irreverent, almost unpleasant food tragedy. The playful features of a new Charivari mingle with the ornaments of painting: marbles and draperies marry the game of these fantastic ladys. The companions of these funny Olympias are ironic sculptures, metamorphoses of a bus shelter daily. Lamps made of precarious crafts, generously painted, become tottering totems. The metal structures of Romain Juan are transformed into surreal dream by the application of a tongue-in-cheek color. Sculpting space with a palette, he composes for the girls a raw and minimal melody, these few nuances are like caresses. It is almost midnight and the three graces in evening dresses wait patiently in the living room parma the spectacle of an electric chair.
— Pierre Poumet