In the absence of news lands, seas and cities to wander through, the domestic art space has become an insular and coincident social organisation in which the new can be (dis)covered and (de)constructed - an organisation that works according to the principles of the domestic cult can be a way to make more, with less. Cultivating domestic gestures can become a way to transform one's occupation into art by conferring an esthetic motivation to one's work - a desire to produce for an idea, rather than for the goal of an exhibition.
Domestic Cults at Scale reveals an architectural non-place, deprived of art projects. By detaching them from the hushed interior of the white cube, the emphasis is put on the Access as volume-receptacle of the artworks-things rather than on the empty space. It is a shape in itself, that tries to convert in esthetics and in affects, ideological, historical, institutional and economical forces.