In recent years, Linda Lerseth has developed a collage-like sculptural practice characterized by a fine balance between elements of careful, planned procedures and decisions that appear to actively sabotage order. These counterproductive decisions consist of interrupting established methods of manufacturing, and forcing together representational elements which seem to repulse one another. Through her relentless commitment to communicate a spontaneous presence, Lerseth has become an artist who can be relied on for a consistent delivery of collapsed messages and fresh deception.
Lerseth’s work provides the willing crowd with the joy of processing. But in order to access the thrill of everlasting interpretation that she offers, there are a few preconditions that need to be in place. First, a capacity to take pleasure in a collapse in communication will come in handy. In other words, a high tolerance for inefficiency and the tendency to dwell in it. In fact, a slight masochistic delight in being interrupted will take you a long way. If, on top of that, you consider yourself as both pessimistic and optimistic, while being sympathetic to rash decisions, you are all set.
Excerpt from “You’ve Been Served” - exhibition text by Halvor Rønning