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Joshua Abelow at Kunsthalle Wichita
'Snow Show' by Ian Miller at Freddy, New York
'documentum' by Craig Jun Li and olivier at Weatherproof, Chicago
'Spun Time' by Melanie Wiksell at Jargon Projects, Chicago
'In Praise of Folly' by Jonathan Santoro at PEEP, Philadelphia
'WERKK.WERKK. LIVERPOOL.PAINTING.' by Victor Boullet at Lubov, New York
'Burn the Rain' by Troy Barrett at Smart Objects, Los Angeles
'Sunsets', Group Show at Everybody, Tucson
'PCS: Post Concrete Semiotics' by Skygolpe at Nighttimestory, Los Angeles
'innocence is cheap, but ten dollars lasts forever' by Anoushé Shojae-Chaghor
'Corpse Bride', Group Show Curated by Matthew Tully Dugan at Art Death, Miami
'Antidote' by Graham Wiebe at Jargon Projects, Chicago
'Mitla' by Andy Medina at Estrella Gallery, New York
'Thought-Forms' by Andy Ralph Presented by Final Hot Desert, Nephi, Utah
'Liz's Childhood Computer: 2003-2005' by Liz Vitlin at Prairie, Chicago
'Step Count', Group Show at Shoot the Lobster, New York
'Doom Boogie Woogie' by Kevin Tobin at Lubov, New York
'Does One Write About an Encounter With Nothing' by Boz Deseo Garden at Jargo
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