Czech Republic
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'Elf slashed with a sword' by Martin Lacko at Pragovka Gallery, Prague
'Tiredness Quotes' by Barbora Zentková & Julia Gryboś at Karlin Studios, Prag
'리좀적 주문 Rhizomatic Spell', a Group Show at Kvalitář, Prague
'Paradajky Dreams', Off-Site Group Show in Unetice Valley, Prague
'Orange Juice Symphony', Off-Site Show by Jiří Procházka at Sál Martinů, HAMU
, Pr
'Rock, Paper, Scissors', a Group Show at Stone Projects, Prague
'Tomorrow I will Take a Knife To your Confidence', a Group Show at Galerie A.
'Blasted Heath', a Group Show at A.M. 180 Gallery, Prague
'The Sea Monster, The Bear', a Group Show at lítost, Prague
'EARTH BØRING', a Group Show at Berlinskej Model, Prague
'Oestrus' by Anni Puolakka at Polansky Gallery, Prague
'Ghostwriter' by Lawrence Lek at Cursor Gallery, Prague
'Augenfett' by Mark Ther at FUTURA, Prague
'Všekazi' by David Střeleček & Šimon Levitner at 35m2 gallery, Prague
'When the Time Swirls, When it Turns into a Black Hole', a Group Show at FUTU
'NO by BP', Off-site Group Show at Artillery Warehouse, Olomouc
'The Clan Of Softness And Honor ' by Anna Slama & Marek Delong at Berlinskej
'Galvanic Couple' by Irina Lotarevich at Futura, Prague
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