From the Desk of Lucy Bull presents Crash, a new series of shows situated in the interior of Lucy Bull’s blue Toyota Prius.
For the inaugural show, New York-based artist Alexandra Metcalf created an elaborate chandelier composed of stained glass miniatures, skeletal lost wax carvings, lead-fired portraits and a table’s worth of teacups and saucers.
Metcalf is known for her meticulously hand-crafted ornamental sculptures which address the history of femininity in conjunction with psychology, craft and the structure of the family. Hanging from the center of the car, Metcalf’s chandelier functions as both carseat nursery mobile and light-source for its passengers.
For the occasion of Frieze week, the car will be making its rounds, either parked outside or circling various art exhibitions and gatherings, as well as the Felix Art Fair at The Hollywood Roosevelt. A full schedule is listed below & additional locations will be added as the nights unfold.