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'Stone-Carving High Performance' by David Jablonowski at DASH, Kortrijk

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What can an artist add to contemporary sculpture? What is material when everything becomes volatile? How current can a sculptor work without leaving the tradition behind? David Jablonowski concentrates on key questions about the nature of sculpture and its communication potential, the power of communication and what it does to the spectator.

Jablonowski is praised for his ingenious play with various materials. He often refers to the rich history of art, he uses a certain classical archaic visual language, although his work has a very contemporary look. The use of high-tech materials gives his work the same appearance as the well-known classic noble sculpture materials (such as marble and copper). He investigates the technological possibilities and tensions of the different materials. It is not uncommon for him to put the viewer on the wrong foot with materials that seem heavy but are light. Because of his way of combining and presenting his works get the feel of relics.

The surrounding space, floor pattern and light incidence determine the perception of the artwork. You are, as it were, drawn into the exhibition, where viewing spaces within the works lead you to the next object. Jablonowski manages the space and uses it in a perfect setting. The sometimes architectural details, the design feeling moderate a perfect scenography. His hierarchical arrangement of the works takes you through the exhibition, where each object receives the required attention.

You do not have to know the content of his works, the work of David Jablonowski touches you in the first instance by a pure beauty. The key question he asks us: how and what can material communicate?

10.11.17 — 10.12.17

Photo by Alexandra Colmenares


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