At Devytnadtsat’ gallery opens a group show 1/2. 1/2 is a project that includes two different exhibitions in two different spaces. Young bionic artists will work within the framework of the project:
Abu Blunt, BURAKOVA TASHA, Grigory Reigeht, NXCSS, KÆMEERA
The first exhibition is the universe of artists Abu Blunt, Tasha Burakova and Gregory Reageht, deployed inside the gallery. Works of artists united in one space, bionic structures inspired by computer games, avatars and LEGO BIONICLE Series.
The second exhibition is a garden that was captured by the works of NXCSS and KÆMEERA.
In the dual exhibition, the works of NXCSS and KÆMEERA have something in common, forming combinations of a Good and an Evil, simulation and reality. Garden gnomes become exhibition guides and fully reveal the symbolic connection with the Dvergs*
*Dvergs - from Old Norse means gnomes, mythical creatures - they can be both positive and neutral and even negative characters - it depends on the behavior of people.