At the Ice Skating Rink at Scott Rakow Youth Center, Pretty Days will be debuting Michael Assiff’s Rune Collection - a proposal for a three-stage mechanism for salvaging potable water from an ice skating rink for use during climate crisis scenarios. The art installation components consist of water collection/reverse osmosis ltering, industrial infrared puri cation and a series of handcrafted ‘activated charcoal lters’ in the form of talismanic sculptures based on Nordic divining rune stones.
Pretty Days is a site-speci c, temporary exhibition series using a group of industrial tents as its primary platform. These structures are set up in various locations and feature opening receptions where visitors can experience works installed inside the tents as well as the exterior environments. The project embraces how artworks can be nuanced and emboldened by location as well as how tents with speci c conventions can be repurposed into contextual containers for these works.