I need to tell my husband goodbye. As much as I want to be with him
I fuck a Young comrade called Vladimir. I like him a lot. While he left my house I started to miss him here. He makes me feel comfortable. He thinks I’m sweet and he like trance. We had a party all night in a k hole, we killed thousands of people. I think we look great together that makes me feel good. I like young boys, they fuck for hours. He like to put he’s hands around my neck, he’s wearing a silver ring on his left hand. He like to put he’s Dick in my mouth deep throaty until I nearly puke. He think I’m hot and cute. I don’t know if he thinks I’m old. I don’t care . He has a mom and dad already. I feel free with him and he’s pretty and cute . I like he’s smile and he’s eyes . Is it weird that I now miss him?
I want to take him to a restaurant and a hotel. I want to look at him on the bed linen, he’s like a little soldier, ready for war. He fuck like there’s no tomorrow. There’s no ugly feelings, no ownership and no guilt. Only a bless from god to screw me.
I feel empowered, nothing bad and bitchy. To fuck these boys makes me feel fine. I don’t want to be young like them, I don’t feel old. I just like them. They got no problems, they look cute. And they fuck good, they can’t get enough, they lick and suck and cuddle like kittens. He will look good in 3 years. With he’s great Dick and trimmed hair. He look quite good now. But he’s youth embarras me a little . A little too soft skinned. He will look better with a little experience marked in he’s palms and on he’s back.
I love you vlad
Those are the words forbidden. First are the sex and the hugs and the kisses. That’s why my boyfriend don’t want me to kiss another man. You first start to have a sexual encounter, then you want more. These little eye contact while he’s Dick inside me made me love him. I could give him kids and tell he’s momma I’m proud of him. That’s why all men hate a woman fucking. I need to get out of my marriage cause I feel imprissoned. I need to be in charge of my own lust to know what I am and what I need
I have an urge to feel and make love to the ones that makes me feel alive in this world of alienation. It’s that weird. I’m scared of this.
Something about a 5 hours K-hole at the dance floor made me believe in the revolution again
I believe in magic
You gotta learn to Buy food to eat