La rada is pleased to present Bodiesbodies, an exhibition curated by Lucrezia Galeotti and Giacomo Pigliapoco, scheduled from Nov. 26, 2022 to Jan. 15, 2023. The group show involves artists James Bantone, Costanza Candeloro, Giulia Essyad and Eleonora Luccarini.
Bodiesbodies presents itself as an open and fragmentary discourse on meta-identity, in which sculptures, installations, videos and performances combine to draw a hybrid space between body, gender and alterity. Intended as a space to explore, the exhibition tests and expands boundaries concerning questions of identity.
The exhibition proposes some possible visions of the human body related to constant exposure to cinematic languages and the narrative genre called Theory Fiction.
With the media's increasing focus on behaviors, feelings, psyches, and fragments of intimate and autobiographical experiences, we ourselves become the site and the medium of propagating others' behaviors, taking on the choices and aesthetics of entertainment. Our bodies are continually forced into confrontation with a shared and socially ideal idea of the body, of others. This mechanism has unequivocally pushed society toward a new sphere of identity, where aspects related to gender, race and sexuality are permeated through the products of the film industry, television series and the most varied and disparate narrative languages used for entertainment or marketing purposes.
All the parts that make up the exhibition are fragments of different methodologies and ways of telling and understanding the same shared story.