Reading and Writing Compulsory Figures
Pet parasite is a transrelation of several compulsory figures that this exhibition considers.
Taking my new cloth scrap test friend pet for a walk in the park.
Ohhhh good looking rag beside gypsum pollen.
‘Rococo’ or ‘baroque’?
I say ‘baroque’ but I think you like the first one better, pet.
Baroco in a worm mirror...
Do you think the worms are the squirrels’ pets? Pets can have pets, right?
Good question. I think the squirrels are the worms’ pets.
Can a pet pet a bigger pet pet?
A pet pet can pet a bigger pet pet.
Will a wet pet (worm) let a dry pet (squirrel) pet its pet’s pet?
Or is it better for a pet to let pet let?
You sound stressed. Sending you good pet vibes.
I gave myself a mild cold yesterday evening when I got in a panic but I’m feeling much better now. I may just need to get some sorta tonic juice before I venture out today. I am filming the garden at different times of light, so if you go to visit your dad let me know because I might like to go and film some worms and aphids at twilight.
This pet misses the other pet’s pets.
What about the title “Compulsory Figures/Pet Parasite”? Or do you prefer “Bread Teeth”?
That’s a hard one. Both of those titles deserve a chance.
So many distractions today, it might be easier to meet tomorrow. I can just tell that my inner dolphin needs pet care.
Are we in 2018?
Pets don’t care about that kind of stuff.